According to wikipedia This is are some drinks, which are mainly bubble tea. Bubble tea are asian drinks that many cultures in America drink, for their tasetiness.
All this images and info are burrowed from wikepidea and google.
Here are some delicious recommended bevarages!!!:
It's 90% arabica premium coffe and mixed with the delicious and rich dutch chocalate(from wikipedia)
coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans which are seeds from the fruit of the coffee plant. This is also a drink that helps keep yourself awake bevcasue of all the caffeine :)(from wikipedia)
Taro milk tea comes from the taro that comes from the araceae family.(from wikipedia)
Watermelon slush made from the fruit watermelon duhh:)(from wikipedia)
This drink comes from passion fruit that is native to brazil, paraguay and northern argentina. It's also very tasty :).(from wikipedia)
Almond milk comes from almonds that are very rich in maganesium and other vitamins:)(from wikipedia)
If you want to search about appetizers, drinks or desserts, the links are here